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¨Muzicianul argentinian Mariano Castro iubeşte România din 2013...¨ (audio romanian)
“I came the first time in 2009 for a concert with ‘Narcotango’, a really big concert, with around 2,000 people, but I just came for three days. Then I returned in 2011, with another show with ‘Narcotango’. It was also a big production in the Summer Theatre in Herestrau...¨ (text english)
Despre (Narco)tango, amor, fripturi de vită argentiniană, muzică şi viaţa în România, dar şi despre multe altele, Mariano Castro vine să povestească în studioul Adevărul Live, de la ora 15.00
Dentro de la últimamente generosa distinción como Personalidad Destacada de la Cultura hay una que se concretará hoy y que resulta merecida: la agrupación Narcotango recibirá ese reconocimiento, a partir de las 18, en el Salón Dorado de la Legislatura Porteña (Perú 160), en una ceremonia que tendrá entrada libre y gratuita
.."NARCOTANGO musicians receive the "OUTSTANDING ARTISTS of ARGENTINIAN CULTURE" distinction..." After the release of their latest album "Cuenco" in more than 20 European cities since May 2013, Narcotango will perform a live concert in Buenos Aires, at the Golden Hall of the City's Parliament. Carlos Libedinsky, Fernando delCastillo, Marcelo Toth and Mariano Castro will then receive the "Outstanding Artists of the Argentinean Culture" award, recommended by the Member of Parliament Rafael Gentili (MC). Narcotango receives this distinction in recognition of their work and artistic contribution: 11 years of international performances, 5 CD albums, 1 DVD, 2 Latin Grammy Award nominations (2009 and 2010), 1 Carlos Gardel Award nomination (2009) and more than 30 tours in Europe, South America, North America, and Argentina